about this blog

What you will find here:
  • (Hopefully) entertaining tales of real-life personal finance, as seen through my eyes.
  • Useful info and ideas to help you save and spend wisely.
  • Social commentary on all things capitalist. Warning: I can be a wee bit radical at times.
  • Some serious stuff, and some funny stuff, too.

What you won't find here:
  • Super-detailed info on my daily spending habits. Other bloggers do such an awesome job of this (Krystal @ Give Me Back My Five Bucks in particular) there's not much I can really add in this regard.
  • A whole lot of posts about sales/shopping. I just don't shop that much!
  • Tall tales about achieving financial greatness, without substantiation. I aim for honesty and openness. And I have no tall tales whatsoever.
  • Bragging and slagging. I believe in being kind. (Note I didn't say "boring." I'm a critical thinker by nature!)